Why can't I login?
Web Version
If you're not able to login to your Everbreed account, there could be a few reasons:
Your username or password was not entered correctly on the sign-in form. If you think you have forgotten your username or password, you can reset it HERE.
Your account may be expired, past due, or otherwise inactive. If you think this is the case, please email our Support team at support@everbreed.com
We sometimes release updates, and occasionally, your browser cache may not have updated to use the latest code, which can sometimes affect the login page. In this case, please clear your browser cache. For Google Chrome, you can to clear your cache HERE. Otherwise, there re instructions for other browsers HERE.
Mobile Version
If you are able to login to the browser, but not into the Android or iOS app, and the above steps have already been addressed, then please make sure your app has been updated to the latest version in the App/Play store.
If you are still having trouble logging into your account, please reach out to our Support team, along with the phone model number, app version, and method you're using to login (Email, facebook, Google, or Apple login).
Updated on: 06/05/2022
Thank you!