Articles on: Pedigrees

How do I copy Pedigree data from another rabbit?

If you have rabbits who share the same lineage you can copy pedigree data instead of reentering each rabbit. This can be done for an entire line, both lines, or at an individual level.

Here are the steps to copy a pedigree or individual rabbit. Note that when you do this, the pedigree information will be replaced with the new data. And the old data will no longer be recoverable, so please ensure you are on the right profile when copying the data.

Entire Line or Lines

Web Version

Select “Breeders” from the menu on the left and open the new rabbit’s profile.
Go to the "Pedigree” tab.
Select “Import”
Select “From Another rabbit”

Choose which rabbit you want to copy from and which lines (Mother, Father, or Both).

Click the green “Import Data” button.

Mobile Version

Select “Breeders” from the menu at the bottom.
Open the new rabbit’s profile and go to the “Pedigree” tab.
Select the ellipses(...) next to the gear icon in the upper right.
Select “Copy Data from another Rabbit”.

Choose which rabbit you want to copy from and which lines (Mother, Father, or Both).

Select “Import Data”.

Individual Card (one rabbit)

Web Version

Select “Breeders” from the menu on the left and open the new rabbit’s profile.
Go to the “Pedigree” tab.
On the card that you want to import to, select the ellipses in the upper right of the card.
Select “Edit”.

Click “Import data from existing breeder”.

With the drop-down box, select which rabbit you want to import to the card.
Select the blue “Save Changes” button.
Your card now displays the information from the imported rabbit.

Mobile Version

Select “Breeders” from the menu at the bottom and click the new breeder’s profile.
Click the “Pedigree” tab.
Select the card on the pedigree that you want to import.
Click “Edit”.
Select “Import data from existing breeder”.

Then select which of your breeders you want to import to the card.
Click the green “Save Changes” button.
The card will now display the information from the imported rabbit.

Everbreed’s pedigrees can be completely customized, you can learn how to do that HERE.
Branding your pedigrees with your rabbitry information and logo is important. Learn how to do that HERE.

Updated on: 05/05/2022

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