How do I enter Breeder Weights?
Keeping track of Breeder Weights can be important when choosing which rabbits to breed together. Breeding a large buck to a smaller doe can result in big kits that the doe can not successfully birth. Breeder weights can also appear on pedigrees.
Open a Breeder Profile and select the Options menu. Or, select the ellipses(...) next to any Breeder on the Breeders List.

From here, click “Edit”.
In the menu at the top, select “Weight”. Then you can enter the date that the rabbit was weighed and what their weight was. Select the green “Add” button. Once you have added your new weight, click the green “Save” button in the bottom right.

Your new weight is now saved.
Click the ellipses(...) either on a Breeder tile or within a Breeder Profile.

From this menu select “Weigh”. Then enter the date that the rabbit was weighed and what their weight was. Click the white “Add” button. Once you are finished adding your weight, select the green “Save” button.

Your new weight is now saved.
Breeder weights are important when breeding along the Breed Standard or focusing on growth rate. Weights are a good stat to keep record of to make your rabbitry more efficient.
Web Version
Open a Breeder Profile and select the Options menu. Or, select the ellipses(...) next to any Breeder on the Breeders List.

From here, click “Edit”.
In the menu at the top, select “Weight”. Then you can enter the date that the rabbit was weighed and what their weight was. Select the green “Add” button. Once you have added your new weight, click the green “Save” button in the bottom right.

Your new weight is now saved.
Mobile Version
Click the ellipses(...) either on a Breeder tile or within a Breeder Profile.

From this menu select “Weigh”. Then enter the date that the rabbit was weighed and what their weight was. Click the white “Add” button. Once you are finished adding your weight, select the green “Save” button.

Your new weight is now saved.
Breeder weights are important when breeding along the Breed Standard or focusing on growth rate. Weights are a good stat to keep record of to make your rabbitry more efficient.
Updated on: 17/02/2022
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